Hands on -Bodywork and Massage

hands on client

In addition to being pleasurable and relaxing, massage and bodywork drastically reduce stress and anxiety, regulate imbalances and help treat insomnia, significantly boosting healing.

Aching joints, tight neck and shoulders, tension, headaches, migraines, breathing and digestion problems, allergies: you name it – or are you just sick and tired and need some TLC?

Naturopathic Bodywork and Massage blends fundamentals of many well known body therapies such as osteopathy, reiki, and reflexology, with counselling, coaching, spiritual healing, lifestyle adjustment and emotional/mental health etc.

Nutritional Therapy can be added, to have you returning to pleasure, balance, and harmony. Flowing with a skilful practitioner enables you to release pain and stress, increases self esteem and frees you up for life.

While healing, you are also learning to help your body to work more naturally gracefully and harmoniously.

That’s Holistic4Health

Animals know: letting go, be totally in this moment…